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=== Readme File for Con.library V2.00 ===
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Con.library is developed by Bjørn Reese.
--- Con.library ---------------------------------------------------------------
Con.library is a run time reentrant library, developed with the purpose to ease
the living for application programmers. It contains functions to format and
display texts, accept keys/messages, strings or numbers and to handle the cursor
and screen controls, amongst other things. The library must be places in LIBS:
to be used. This is version 2.00.
--- Disclaimer ----------------------------------------------------------------
Con.library is tested to run as smoothly and bugfree as possible, but the
author renounces any responsibility for faulty use of, or damages caused by,
Con.library and all that goes with it.
--- Distribution --------------------------------------------------------------
Con.library may be distributed freely with, and only with, the documentation,
source and include files and if no charge is being made, except for a nominal
media fee. Otherwise you need the written approval of the author.
--- Commercial use ------------------------------------------------------------
Con.library may be used in commercial [ and non-commercial ] products without
paying any royalties to the author. But I would be really happy to be
mentioned. The documentation, source, includes and examples may be distributed
along with the product without the written approval of the author.
--- Public Domain -------------------------------------------------------------
The Con.library, the source, the includes and the examples is made Public
Domain for two reasons:
1) I am too busy to make any updates in the near future.
2) To support the wonderful idea of Public Domain and Shareware.
Con Library currently consists of the following files
con.library - The library itself
ConLib.doc - Documentation of the library
ConLib.readme - This file
ConLib200.asm - Asm source for the library
con_lib.fd - File desciption
PROCDOC.ART - An article describing the programming style
used in ConLib200.asm
- Asm_Stuff:
con_lib.i - Asm include
con.i - Do. [ Devpac 2, AsmOne ]
con2.i - Do. [ but for Assem type of assemblers ]
Hello.asm - An assembly example
- C_Stuff:
ConGlue.asm - Asm code for glue code
ConGlue.o - Object code for glue code
- libraries
conlib.h - C include file
- pragmas
conlib.h - C pragmas [ for Aztec ]
- protos
conlib.h - C protos
- Modula_Stuff:
ConLibD.def - Modula-2 interface
ConLibL.def - Do.
- Misc_Stuff:
IMPORTANT - Warning about these interfaces
KickPascal_con.h - Template for KickPascal interface
KickPascal_con.lib - Do.
Oberon_ConLib.def - Template for Oberon interface
The source is made for the "AsmOne" assembler, but it should work with
"Devpac 2" - I think - if minor changes are made, like converting the square
brackets [] with the normal brackets ().
Originally the source was not intended to be released, but in the last minute I
changed my mind for reasons stated above, therefore the source is not very well
documented (Sorry!).
The appropriate place for the includes is in the INCLUDE:libraries/ directory I
- BReese